You're reached the end of my website! Thank you all so much for the love and support, it means a lot to me. A big big thank you to my mentor-in-mathematics Professor Dan-Andrei Geba for toughening me up to face the world. A fond handshake to the three main professors who oversaw this presentation for me: Professors Juan Rivera-Letelier, Michael Gage, and Doug Haessig. Always a hug to my dear friend and roommate John Ennis for all his help on the actually Collatz research itself. With my every step, John has always been right there by my side wanting to hear about my latest results. In this endeavor, if I am Sherlock Holmes, John is my beloved faithful Watson.
And lastly always a big big thank you to my dear amazing high school math teacher Mr. Swiniarski. It was he who first showed me about the Collatz Conjecture. But it's more than that... He's a great teacher and a good guy. A lot of who I am in this world as a mathematician comes from him. It's amazing the power of what one really good teacher can do in a person's life.
Thanks for reading my website! I hope you enjoyed it...